(English) About the Meaning of the Doll (“Blessed be Providence Which has Given to Each his Toy: the Doll to the Child, the Child to the Woman, the Woman to the Man, the Man to the Devil!” Victor Hugo)

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  1. i used to pin a heart on my sleeve to renimd myself that i talk too much. originally i’d had differen’t states of the hearts like spazzing and bummed and amped, but since i’m not an emo kid i just used the one [which is bad enough].point of story: emotion dolls, pretty good idea. just don’t get angular bangs that cover half your face and start listening to thrice or i WILL hit you.

  2. Dear Nguyen, Thank you for your comment. You’re right. Janko was given as a gift one poppik doll. He put it on the vivid place just in front of his favorite arm-chair, and every morning when he is awake, looking at her. And she shows him her face, never her bum. That means the life treats him well. I hope, Nguyen, life treats you also not badly because of those funny hearts on your sleeve.
    Sincerely yours,

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