(English) I Remember Hands of Yours, Gentle and Always Busy with Work, Never Tiring, Hands of a Jack of All Trades, My Beloved Brother.

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  1. Dear Gennadiy, Though you are not with us physically, you are most certainly with us spiritually. Since I met you in 2004, I have experienced many happy times with you. In spite of your difficulties in life you were a kind, patient man, you never gave up on life. This was most apparent when you were visiting my ancestral homeland in Male Levare, Slovakia, you were full of life, always smiling, with a sense of adventure. You were riding a bike to all neighboring villages: Gajary, Velky Levare etc. Your trip to Vienna and Bratislava, Slavin Hill was very special for you and us.Your kindness showed very well when you saved a little bird. See picture above. Your hands were your life and this is how we remember you always. We will never forget you. Eternal Memory.
    With love

  2. Дорогой Янко, Я искренне тронута комментарием, который ты написал на мою статью. Вы- мужчины-совсем другие, чем мы, женщины. Ваша мужская дружба очень дорога нам. Мы любим вас, ценим вас всегда.

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