“I hang around and went home:                                                         My_Soul-my dream

My grandson’s fallen asleep,

Next to me, bending over,

I’m glad that he’s so sweet.

Watching this youth,

incomparable, son of not mine,

having tired of the day’s fun,

Probably dreaming of a kind…

Dragon of the most powerful,

Having attacked the building,

Defeated the greedy fools,

Let to survive all the beings,

Who believe in right saying,

As a whole, in j u s t i c e,                                                                                                                                                                                     Dark room

Not offending people in vain,

While fighting for peace.

The life is so cruel, however,

Not to know it, for God’s sake,

As you, my grandson clever,

ride the horses, rushing the life stakes.

My glorious warrior,

the Lord of Magic Cards,

What is flying to your abode,

from the day’s fumes?

You’re saying: “Without dreams

You always sleep.”

I don’t believe you. ‘Cause myself,

a sea of worries, as you see.

Invisible connection ties,

unite us: when you’re anxious,                                                              Magic1

I am full of anxieties,

and see a dream in reality,

as if me is you, and you -nee, nee…

I do not know who you are,

and what is your element,

Nevertheless you’re around,

To identify the feeling measure

Is not what I meant.

The dream in pursuit took me all aside,

I’ve forgotten myself,

And was awaken on morning bright,                                                                                                                             Magic2

Under the choir of robins multi-voiced,

Refreshed as though after rain.

My grandson’s still sleeping,

So is his tone.

For young is young,

For old is old, to everybody’s his own.”

June 23, 2012,

c. Calgary.

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