IMG_0183“Gennadiy Nikolaevich, can you help me to fix this piece of furniture?” used to address him his colleagues.

“Sure. No problem.” he answered back and hurried up to help.

Graduated from the Bryansk Technological University with Master of Engineering Degrees in 1966, all life he worked hard: first, as a chief engineer, then as a mechanic and at different positions, but always with the passion for work and care for people. Honesty, integrity and loyalty to the family were those the main traits of Gennadiy’s character.

Look at his hands, carrying a tiny bird having fallen out of the nest, how gentle they are as if embracing the whole sea of love and transferring it to our younger brothers and sisters, those flying fowls.

The other time he was holding the dog as though nursing a loving baby in his hands.

Sincere, strong, reliable hands of Gennadiy are unforgettable, there was a particular touch in them that is what is called “down to earth love and care”.

His sons Danil and Denis and their families, his niece and her son in St. Petersburg and his niece and her family in Bryansk, his sister and Janko as well as those who knew him personally will never forget him.

Watch our photo expose “GENNADIY REMEMBERED”:


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I remember your hands, brother, when we were little, maybe, we did not go to school yet or at Grade 1, so you involved me in a hobby group to learn how to make with a fretsaw the pieces out of wooden plywood, then applying vanish on them as finish-up. Afterwards those our childish “masterpieces” were supposed to go to the neighbors or acquaintances  to decorate their domestic life.

How industrious you were, my little devil-brother! You managed then even to sell one or two wooden home made shelves or boxes for pencils, pens… Our teacher was Alexey Petrovich. That was perhaps who you inherited your tremendous love for wood and wooden products from.

You possessed a very charming soul build-up: never offending anybody, always ready to help, to protect  the weaker  gen9person.

Finished as usual his 5-days’ work week, on Saturday on his way home, he died from heart attack just 10 days after celebrating his 70-th anniversary.

On Thursday, February 2, 2012 at 12-30 p. m. Gennadiy Nikolaevich Filin will be buried at St. Petersburg Serafimovsky Cemetery,

Russia. Eternal memory to you, my beloved brother.

I know our mama loved you so much , she had died with your name on her lips and she would be glad to meet you now in the heavens. God bless you!

I remember hands of yours, gentle and always busy with work, never tiring hands of a Jack of all trades, intelligent and very tidy, Gennadiy.

Listen to: Sergey Trofimov, Guardian Angel

2 Thoughts on “I Remember Hands of Yours, Gentle and Always Busy with Work, Never Tiring, Hands of a Jack of All Trades, My Beloved Brother.”

  • Dear Gennadiy, Though you are not with us physically, you are most certainly with us spiritually. Since I met you in 2004, I have experienced many happy times with you. In spite of your difficulties in life you were a kind, patient man, you never gave up on life. This was most apparent when you were visiting my ancestral homeland in Male Levare, Slovakia, you were full of life, always smiling, with a sense of adventure. You were riding a bike to all neighboring villages: Gajary, Velky Levare etc. Your trip to Vienna and Bratislava, Slavin Hill was very special for you and us.Your kindness showed very well when you saved a little bird. See picture above. Your hands were your life and this is how we remember you always. We will never forget you. Eternal Memory.
    With love

  • Дорогой Янко, Я искренне тронута комментарием, который ты написал на мою статью. Вы- мужчины-совсем другие, чем мы, женщины. Ваша мужская дружба очень дорога нам. Мы любим вас, ценим вас всегда.

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