Vladimir Alexandrovich Ivashutin was born on October 29, 1934, the day of the 29th of October is celebrated in Russia as the day of birth of Komsomol (Association of Younger Generation of the Russian people) of the country. Which is why sounds for V.A. Ivashutin the famous Russian song: Iosif Kobzon- “I won’t Part with Komsomol”
Vladimir Alexandrovich was born to the family of hard workers: father belonged to the committee of fighting with criminals in militia, mother worked as an accountant, they set a prime example for their little son.
He studied at Bryansk school #2, then entered the Bryansk Building College, graduating from it in 1953, becoming a builder.
After 2-years work in Smolensk region, returned to Bryansk, came to work at the Bryansk Building Trest #15 where he became a member of the Communist Party, membership of which he is still proud of till now. He was promoted to the position of chief engineer of “Bryansksovkhozstroy”.
In 1973 he started to work as a First Secretary of Volodarsky RK of the Communist Party, by correspondence he finished VZISI and Academy of Social Sciences in 1984.
In 1988 at the heat time of perestroika he was appointed as Chairman of Regional Council of Trade Unions.
Yu. Lodkin in his book “Russian Zone of Chernobyl” underlines the specific role of Vladimir Alexandrovich Ivashutin while acknowledging the Bryansk region as zone of Chernobyl.
Thanks to the restless character of Ivashutin (personally it cost him two heart attacks) many residents of the western districts of the Bryansk region had an opportunity to get an immediate treatment and help, and remained alive on this earth.
Vladimir Alexandrovich was on the high level positions with great responsibility for people’s lives and destinies. It was not always easy to foresee the situation, the evolution of the events and take the honest, straight-out resolutions.
Vladimir Alexandrovich keeps on living a descent life as prompts his citizen’s consciousness.
Nowadays he is a Head of Bryansk Regional Council of Veterans of Builders and is very active, discussing every day businesses, helping the sick vets and their families, at his free time he likes to play chess and preferance.
Hold this way, honored labor vet Vladimir Alexandrovich!
Listen now to: Vien, Golden Hall of BSO named after P.I. Chaikovsky, Conductor-Vladimir Fedoseev
Валечка! Спасибо за статью о В.А.Ивашутине! Прочитала и своя собственная жизнь, которая протекала в эти же самые годы , мгновенно пронеслалась перед глазами и всколыхнула душу! Да, жизнь прожита не зря. И это не только на примере Владимира Александровича, но и всего нашего поколения! Долгие лета! Долгие лета
Эммочка! Рада, что ты можешь соотнести свою жизнь с поколением Владимира Александровича, я тоже согласна с тобой. Все вместе, дружно, всем классом пожелаем ему и нашей однокласснице Вале Попковой, его верной спутнице по жизни вот уже больше полвека, большого счастья, здоровья и крепости духа на долгие, долгие годы!
Целую Валя