Juno Church (Sunday Bulletin)The capital city of Alaska, Juneau, met us with beautiful, sunny weather. Juneau wasJuneau, Alaska,2012(1) first settled by Alaska natives thousands of years ago. When the first white men, Joe Juneau and Richard Harris, arrived around 1880, they found Auk Indian fish camp situated at the mouth of Gold Creek. With the help of Chief Kawa.ee they discovered gold in Silverbow Basin.

Our travels around the city of Juneau started with downtown area and led us very high to the top of the street straight to the Saint Nicholas Russian Orthodox Church, Juneau, Alaska, founded in 1894. We were met by the Priest-Reverend Simeon B. Johnson, Rector, cheerfully, talked a lot and passing by the corridors, taking pictures everywhere, we noticed a pretty girl, sitting on the floor. “Whose daughter is this?” asked Janko with curiosity. The priest answered that was his daughter. To the left and to the right are the photos of Sunday Bulletin, 12 August 2012 of Saint Nicholas Russian Orthodox Church, Juneau, Alaska, and that girl.

Below, please, watch our photo gallery “St. Nicholas Orthodox Church, Juneau, summer 2012”:

St. Nicholas Orchodox Church, Juneau, Alaska, summer 2012

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It was a pleasure to meet people in the Orthodox Church, to speak about the treasures of Orthodoxy, to realize thathomemuch is having done and is still doing among Christian people although the priest could not speak Russian. A lot is done at the University of Alaska Southeast that is also in Juneau. here, in Juneau Janko also purchased a book “Russians in Alaska (1732-1867) by Lydia T. Black, published by University of Alaska Press- Fairbanks, Alaska, 2004, the author of which dedicated it in memory of ordinary citizens of the Russian Empire who came to Alaska, came to love her, made her their home, and now rest in forgotten graves; and to their descendants in Alaska and Russia. It’s pity that nobody translated it into Russian yet. This is a good book to read, deep and interesting.

There are many official buildings in Juneau as well very many souvenir shops to meet the tourists’ needs.

This is our second photo presentation from Juneau: “The Capital City of Juneau, Alaska, summer 2012”:

Juneau, capital city of Alaska, summer 2012

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