Leaving the Zhukovsky forest once,Pine-Fir-trees

You’ve appeared on the spacey path,

Who knows that it can be a relief,

From long-lasting stress-belief.

Pine ridge is full of real breath,

Happiness to be and health,

Happiness which almost forgotten,

Enables one’s recovery and grace.

Little pine-fir trees, evergreen and merry,

Line up in straight rows,

To give to Irene a little query.

Breathe, Irinochka, so frequent and deep,

Let be your life so long and sweet,

Let the nice people around all,

Be smiling with at your renewal.

Evergreen fir -pine trees little,

Don’t lose your beauty and youth,

As the same as our Irinochka – cutie,

Be for ever gorgeous and smooth,

Having enough strength to overcome

All life hardships against all odds,

Keep on flourishing more years to come,

Up to 100 years and all without aging.

To entertain you, Irina, I made a fun puzzle “Little Pine-Fir Tress” for you, try to solve it.

Here is the link:

provided by flash-gear.com

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