2007. On our trip to Russia last time we found out that there are two cities of Peter the First’s creation: St. Petersburg and Petrozavodsk. Both towns are beautiful, both celebrate the czar Peter as a founder as one can see the two monuments dedicated to him. What is special about each of those cities? A new feature of the latest days is an open church service, even forty forty bells ringing at 6 o’clock evening sermon,as for example, took place in the Church of the Vladimir Icon in St. Peter’s. People stood still, and we were caught by the moment at the Square of 5 corners near the last apartment of Dostoevsky. For half an hour all city was transformed in a wonder of Sounding Beauty. You can listen to it later.
The particular moment in the city of Petrozavodsk was Obshepit cafe which Janko appreciated very much: the food was substantial and hearty, the excellent service, the only drawback being the heat as there were no air conditioners, but this was of very minor irritant which we gave no thought to. We ate there every day.
In St. Petersburg we enjoyed time in Peter and Paul’s fortress where Gleb accompanied us having fun there. Look at the photo and you see for yourselves.
On the grounds of Peter and Paul’s Fortress there was a traveling museum of Horror Exhibits, this encluded torture, hauntings and other scary events, Gleb wanted to see it but even for him it was too graphic and frightening. Him and Granny left quickly, Janko decided not to go into the musem, instead he listened to the melody of the Fortress Church bells as well as purchasing some souvenir plates to bring home to Canada.
Milá Valentina, velmi sa mi páčili obrazové a zvukové
príspevky na Tvojej internetovej stránke. Hudba Čajkovského
je prekrásna a najlepšie sa počúva osamote a v kľude.
Hlahol zvonov rozliehajúci sa zo všetkých kostolov bez
rozdielu viery prináša pokoj v duši všetkým ľuďom dobrej vole. Dúfam, že sa Ti podobných príspevkov podarí ešte veľa. S pozdravom Jana,Alojz,Peter,Katarína,Milan,Deniska a Martin.
Уважаемая Валентинa, мне очень понравились графические и звуковые
страницы на Вашем сайте. Музыка П. И. Чайковского
красива и лучше всего слушать её в одиночку, и тихо.
Rozliehajúci звон колоколов со всех церквей Питера без
разница веры приносит душевный покой для всех людей доброй воли. Я надеюсь, что вы сделали значительное дело, открыв свой сайт. Успехов Вам и удач. С уважением, Яна, Алойз, Петр, Екатерина, Милан, Deniska и Мартин.
Это перевод комментария из семьи в Словакии. Спасибо, дорогие. Thanks a lot, dear family.
Sincerely yours,
With love and respect Valentina