The feeling on the SKYPE rendez-vous was as if all 12 women of the same age, former classmates, got together in our home, forgetting of the differences in characters, when they were 12 or 13, chit-chatting now about their life experiences of the past days and years.

Sincerity and openness to one another gave a lead note to soiree when the first Christmas snow fell down and covered the ground uniting Canada and Russia on the 18-th day of December to establish close ties and friendships.

O soiree! O soiree!

O si bien diseree!

Watch photo expose “Winter in Calgary”:

no images were found

Who We Are

The  International Badek Club is established in 2011. The name “BADEK” originated from the Russian word “babushka” which in English means “Grandma”, and the second Russian word “dedushka” which in English meansWinter2011top“Grandpa”, the combination of the two first syllables: BA+DE+K at the end gives the name of the Club “BADEK”.

The International Badek Club (IBC) is headquartered in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, its regional office is in the city of Bryansk, Russia.

Our Vision

To be independent social Club fostering the communications, dialogue between the like-minded and interesting people who enjoy topics like history, culture, current events etc.

Our Purpose

20280uq2k2v180bTo unite all grandmas and grandpas in the world to raise our grandchildren to become : 1) better educated, 2) better nourished, 3) better socially active.

MOTTO of the BADEK CLUB: A L W A Y S    O N   T H E   G O !                                                                        Winter2011bird

Goal for ourselves:

1) To be a Positive Model for our grandchildren by many kinds of activities: a) Cooking together; b) Doing School home work together; c) Participating in After School programs together; d) Organizing B-day Parties and Get-togethers; e)Be a part of our grandchildren’s life for ever, till the day we die; f) Creating our own family archives and family trees in a hand-written form or electronically; g) Writing Memoirs or Diaries, Poetry books, Cuisine Books with recipes of your own and your parents or great-grandparents and Leaving them for posterity in a hand-written form or electronically.

Membership of International BADEK Club is free.

However if somebody volunteers to organize a certain event demanding some expenses it will be brought to publicwinterthornsberriesattention and in that case donations can be accepted.

WELCOME to our International BADEK Club!

Our Mission

To leverage our professional excellence, experience and business relationships with other Clubs of such kind.

Our Board

The International BADEK Club’s Board of Directors is composed of five members and the President and Vice President of the Club.

Valentina Filina-Pattison,  President of the Club, participated in many International, Regional conferences and seminars in her profession. Awarded with the medal “For Long-Term Excellent Work”.Winter2011pines

James (Janko) Holly, Vice President of the Club. Worked in his profession for 33 years for Canadian Pacific Railways. Member of Canadian Pacific Pensioners’ Club.

Zoya Lapitskaya, General Director, a Fountain Head of new ideas and progressive solutions of the Club activities.

Rimma Levchenko, Organizing Director of Bryansk group “”.

Emma Korneeva, VICE  PRESIDENT of the B A D E K   Club, Communications Director, an experienced worker in public relations, Vice President of the BADEK Club.

Valya Popkova, Executive Director, an experienced worker in Club activities.

Lara Biryukova, Technical Director, Hobby-Photography.

Klava Polyakova, Museum Director, Archives Research.

Nelly Gopina,  Consultant- Adviser.

The Info about the club is on website: Club.

A very beautiful dance performed by the schoolchildren

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