Although as one knows the media is pretty much dwelling on sensational stories, overblown opinions, meaningless political drama which tires the average person and makes him indifferent to what it is talked about on the news. An example is the low voters’ turn-out in the Provincial and Federal elections. As well as the Hollywood Stars whose lives are Galaxy away from us, the ordinary people; the same can be said of multi-million dollars’ Sports Figures who are never happy no matter how much they make.                            twolightnings

On the contrary, the weather men are down to Earth people, they can entertain, have a sense of humor in spite of gloomy forecasts or beautiful weather. We enjoy their informative programs and the way how they make complex weather issues and happenings so simple and easy to understand.

Because of them we can plan our trips, know what the weather will be on the week day as we go on different daily tasks.

Another important service is the weather warnings. This helps us to prepare or avoid getting in the serious situations.

We take our hats off to these people who become our friends and weather guides.

Enjoy our photo album “Winter-Spring”.                        

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