“Let’s go step by step,

Measured in foot and sazhen.

Don’t ask me when and where

We all confused there.

Confused or were being confused?

And as if Stenjka Razin, chained and caged,

Condemned and humiliated, was brought

to Moscow long time ago.

The World is frightened and being scared

by Coronavirus: people’re dying as flies,

being affected by it!  Required-

Social distancing by two meters,

As being afraid of breathing at each other.

The human is a social animal

who is left without socializing,

among the human society.

Satan! Where are you?

And what have you done?

Why have you disengaged the people?

And united all the bastards?

The Tme is now worse than at war.


Let’s go step-by-step,

Measured by foot and sazhen,

Don’t ask me when and where,

We’ve all been confused ever!”

Calgary, April 29, 2020.



2 Thoughts on “A Trial Time for Humankind (My New Poem)”

  • Меня твоё стихотворение впечатлило. Хорошо отразился кризис и эмоции.
    Аннета Александрович, г. Ванкувер, Канада, 2 мая 2020 года.

  • Your poem has impressed me. Well is described the crisis and emotions.
    Anneta Alexandrovich, c. Vancouver, Canada, May 2, 2020.

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