Who if not the Mother can so surely say the exact time , the hour and the minutes of the moment of the birth of her own son? 13-50 amidst the brightness of the day in Saint-Petersburg, Russia was born her son Gleb. But on the other continent in Canada, in the mountain time at 4-50 in the early morning-just before the dawn.

“Stop, the Moment! You’re beautiful!” The casual sense of this phrase is the highest form of happiness, satisfaction, admiration, in this case, Gleb, of the moment of your coming out into this world.

Those words belong to Faust ( tragedy “Faust” (1808) by great German scientist and writer Iohann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832). In German : “Verweile doch! Du bist so schon!” In Russian in the translation by poet Nikolay Alexandrovich Kholodkovsky (1858-1921). In English by Bayard Taylor in 1870 :




And heartily!

When thus I hail the moment flying:

“Ah, still delay-thou art so fair!”

Then bind in thy bonds undying,

My final ruin then declare!

Then let the death-bell chime the token

Then art thou from service free!

The clock may stop, the hand be broken,

Then Time be finished unto me!”

Listen to the music:

Gleb, you became a creative person. From the photos one can see how you grew up and were changing from the year to year. Now you’re 23. The age of maturity and sometimes uncertainty. When you feel that what you were doing or are doing is of value to yourself and people around you, friends, family, associates etc. Without this positive feeling and appreciation from those who are the closest to you.

You can ask yourself :”Is it worthwhile??” This can lead to the sense of doubt and deminish the creativity

within you. Is is a normal procedure that all creative people go through. Always evolving, always modifying to change and understand the currents and trends of your audience. Inspite of this, never give up, live your dreams.

We wish you many innovative ideas which evole into the creations, good health and energy to keep up. Let luck and success attend you.

Here is your up-to-date advertising video of your company БОГЕМА ЛЕНИНГРАД.


4 Thoughts on ““Stop, the Moment! You’re beautiful!” – April 24th, 2020 at 13-50 p.m. in Russian time and 4-50 a.m. in Calgarian time, Canada! The Moment of Gleb Kostin’s Birth! Congrats on this Fine Moment of Your Birth, Dear Gleb!”

  • Статья прекрасна и по содержанию, и по изложению. Глеб должен гордиться, что у него такая любящая, заботливая, всё понимающая правильно, оценивающая все творческие начинания своего внука и поддерживающая их! А главное-большая умница, не потерявшая интерес к жизни во всех её проявлениях. Внук и Бабушка друг друга стоят! Так держать!
    Эмма Сергеевна Махова,
    25 апреля 2020 года, г. Брянск, Россия

  • The article is beautiful by the contents and by the style of writing.
    Gleb has to be proud of the fact that he has such a loving, caring, understanding all Grandma, who correctly estimates all the creative projects of her Grandson and supporting them! And the main thing is that she is a great clever without losing interest for the life in all its aspects. Grandson and Grandma are so much alike in many ways. Keep on in this direction!
    Emma Mahova,
    c. Bryansk, Russia, April 25, 2020.

  • Dear Krutaya Babulka,
    2020 year has 3 parts for you…
    #1 part is your surprising birthday from your daughter Larisa who showered you.
    #2 is your grandson’s birthday, that you lavishly celebrated on your site. It was very touching to read glory to “my grandson” during (#3 event virus infection) and made into a splashing bash for Gleb.
    I became grandma 11 years ago and every time our grandchildren amusing us how fast they grow and how smart they are. We were so childish at their age…We had one or two dolls with no eyes or hands but they have computer gudget’s…
    I share your feelings to be proud of your grandson…
    And here I compose a birthday wish to amazing grandsons:
    A stack of presents piled high.
    Friends and Family stopping by.
    Here is hoping your special day is everything you’ve been wishing for!
    Regards and Hugs from your old pal and secret admirer –
    Anna Borosh, c. Calgary, Canada, April 28. 2020

  • Дорогая Крутая Бабулька,
    2020 год состоит из 3 частей для тебя…
    Часть №1- твой удивительный день рождения- приезд и участие в нём твоей дочери Ларисы, которая забросала тебя подарками.
    Часть №2- день рождения твоего внука, который ты роскошно отпраздновала на твоей вебсайт.Очень трогательно было прочитать слова “Слава моему внуку” во время (Часть 3 события -всемирная инфекция вируса) и превратить его день рождения в сплошное сияние для Глеба.
    Я стала бабушкой 11 лет назад, и каждый раз, когда наши внуки развлекают нас, мы удивляемся, как быстро они растут, какие они умные. Мы были такими наивными детьми в их возрасте… У нас была только одна или две куклы, и то без глаз или рук, а у них всех есть компьютерные приборы…
    Я разделяю твои чувства гордости за твоего внука…
    Здесь я сочинила пожелания в день рождения изумительным внукам:
    Гора подарков возвышается.
    Поток поздравлений не кончается.
    Надеюсь, гора включила все желанья,
    Провиденья и предсказанья!
    Приветствую и обнимаю
    твоя старая подруга и тайная обожательница
    Анна Борош, г. Калгари, Канада, 28 апреля 2020 года

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