When You Were There For Us…

Mama! Our beloved mama, how many beautiful sounds in this simple word”mama”! How these sounds caress you, wrap you up in warmth, tenderness and happiness. This is ” A Letter to Mother” by Sergey Esenin performed by one Russian artist. Listen to this video:“You are still alive, my old little lady” “Are you still alive,…

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We All Studied a Liitle Something and Somehow, So the Education for Us, Thank Goodness! is not a Big Surprise!” A.S. Pushkin

Russian and Canadian education systems are different in many ways. At Russian school the focus is on the universal and diverse programs. In Canadian system there exists the principle of a choice. As children while they are growing up cannot find their choices, parents do it for them. The parents-children relationship was always and will…

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Talk With the Horse Nicknamed Sophia

First my verse and a photo show about horses: “A Horse was born as an animal of Beauty, Of brown brand with light colored mane, With long, flowing tail. A trainer’s duty,                                                                                                                                Is to cheer her up, challenging again and again”… p.77 from “Sinning Genie” ( a Book of Poetry ) by Valentina Filina-Pattison. To…

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Mussik, Mussik, I miss you, Pussi-k!

“Pussy-cat, Pussy-cat,                                                                                                                                                            Where have you been? I’ve been up to London, To look at the Queen”. Many people know this childhood rhyme about a cat. My pet cat by name Mussik is far away from me, on the other continent but on the same 60th Parallell with Saint Petersburg, Russia. Some consider Russia and Canada…

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Bar U Ranch Invites Us for Lunch

The Bar U Ranch is the only National Historic Site in Canada that commemorates the history of ranching. By 1890, eight years after first herds of cattle were driven from Idaho, USA, the North West Cattle Company reported 10,410 cattle and 832 horses. The NWCC livestock, branded with the Bar U brand, grazed on the…

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Children Conquered “the World!”

It’s true. Children conquered the World! What a wonderful country is a Children-land! Where everybody believes in a wonder, beautiful friendships, truth and justice. To-day 5 hours in a row without intervals or breaks the six: Gleb, Liza, Jonathan, Christian, Frank and Curtis played the table game “RISK”, one can see them on the pictures….

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Our Way to Celebrate 125th Birthday of Banff

Back in 1885 the park’s ‘ town’ was a stopping place along the brand new Canadian Pacific Railway called siding 29.  As visitors began discovering  the newly established park, services moved closer to the main attraction at the time – the mineral springs. The name “BANFF” comes from Banffshire, Scotland, the birthplace of one of…

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Yo-Yo Interview about Yo-Yo

Here is a video about Hiroyuki Suzuki, the winner of ” Yo-yo God Tournament of 2005″:   Hiroyuki Suzuki 1. Gleb, when did you start yo-yoing? 2. Since March of this year. 1. What is it? How did it happen? Where did you see yo-yo for the first time? 2. At school. The neighboring class mates,…

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