Upon arrival the first thing Gleb did was to call to his friend Gavin. Two G’s met each other the next day, on George’s Birthday celebration, Gavin’s younger brother. 16 children came to visit with that family. Poor little Kathy, lady of the house! How could she handle them? But, actually, she did, and with unbelievable skill and perfection.
Gleb felt happy: he is in a friendly circle, accepted and well received. Next week end the two G’s spent time in Aqua Park, then hiking in Kananaskas, in Heritage Park. Both of them decided to collect the other Warhammer army, Gleb-Chaos, Gavin-Orks. For future and present battles in Fantasy World.
Till late night Gleb stayed assembling the huge tank “Apocalipsys”, creating and inventing the newer and newer details for Chaos army tank. The army must have not less than 3000 points.
The rules are also constantly changing, one needs to follow the code. The code of behavior between the two G’s is modesty and respect.