First time my grandson came to Canada three years ago in 2006. We walked at Sunridge Mall pssing by various shops and stalls. Out of the blue Gleb looked at one of the shop windows and said:”Granny, I want to look at Japanese Samurai warriors”. “O”kay”, I answered.

We came in. It was a Games Workshop, a store selling WARHAMMER games of different types. The wonderful staff who welcomed us and helped Gleb to assemble the figurines, paint them and learn how to play by certain rules. He immediately felt at home and was accepted by adults and youth. He insisted on coming every day which was not always possible. Many times he was involved in playing, and Granny used to sit often for the whole day, she was an interpreter also, Gleb knew English not so well, but Warhammer rules were complicated. I stood next to him, translating them to Gleb patiently. It became a passion for him and he took it with him back to Russia.

In 2008 Gleb the Gamer returned to Canada with the intention to build up more and more warriors and assemble the other army, this time “Necrons”. Alas! His favorite Sunridge Games Workshop was closed. It’s time to move to Chinook.

There he became more independent and confident in English. Granny’s task was not to interfere with Gleb when he was playing. Granny and Janko were relaxing, reading books or strolling along the mall meanwhile. This was to give him a chance of encounter with a young guy, the same age as Gleb who had the same passion for this game. Gavin was his name. This was the beginning of a friendship that span two continents and lasts till today. On the photo to the right Gleb’s welcoming with the flowers which became a tradition every year.

On the slide show you will see last year Gleb’s staying in Calgary: at our home, at Swimming Pools in Pineridge and Southland Leisure Centers, at the Bird Sanctuary, Gleb’s first sleep over at Gavin’s family home. Enjoy it!

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