The beauty of winter landscapes is moving us admiring the music and the nature and to a deep thinking as well.

Charles Darwin once observed that it is not the strongest members of species that survive, but the ones that are most adaptable to change. That’s pertitent advice  for today’s humans.

Due to the pandemic, we’ve changed a lot. Our attitudes, behavor, preferences.

Digital technology has altered the way we live in smart homes, the way we work, the way how we take care of our health.

Before, we never doubted the doctors’ prescriptions and diagnoses. Now, we do.

Myself, I was three times misdiagnosed. First time, 5 years ago, returning from the around-the-world trip, my legs were swollen. Why? Infection, blood clot or gout ?

Eventually I got through this misery.

Now, diabetis Type 2. Metformin. All of a sudden, the kidney performance dropped by 50 %. Since June 2019 till December 2019, and the whole 2020, my kidney did not work well. Why? Again, misdiagnose: Metformin which was lately recalled in the USA and Canada. But it was still prescribed by the doctors. And we, people, are suffering.

Not long ago I found out that doctors have the right for mistakes : misdiagnoses ( at least 8 %).

This book is published by Internet ( available in Russian and in English versions) shows the sincere thoughts of an old Russian doctor(his work experience more than 50 years). 

We understand that we all are human beings who can make mistakes.

But…with leverage of new technology we have the right for doubts, checking up doctors’ prescriptions, pharmacists and consultants.
We learn in a hard way: NEVER TRUST NOBODY concering our own health, finances, well-being.

We have to renew ourselves. It’s never too late to learn a new skill set. Don’t underestimate soft skills such as communication, teamwork or flexibility. These are becoming just as important for each individual as for the whole community.

“Adapt and thrive” – that is the motto of every day’s life to be remembered.

As this year 2020 is nearing to the end, I would like to thank my daughter Larisa, who made possible to visit me on my 80-th birthday, among all the restrictions and lockdowns because of COVID-19. She was as a miracle-girl who jumped fron one continent to the other and escaped the contageous disease. Till now I could not believe that it did happen. It seems to me like a dream!

Thanks to my beloved grandson Gleb who gave me a big moral support during this difficult time.

Thanks to Janko who is and always was my inspiration in all projects: let it be home-made foods, or decorative stuffs etc.

His  Holly family is very understanding and supportive in all respects.

The friends who are around us, needed to be mentioned at this unusual time. They phoned, sent text messages, photos and videos. Thank you for you all around us !

HAPPY NEW 2021 YEAR to all! All the best for tomorrow and ever!

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6 Thoughts on “Happy New 2021 Year, my Dear Readers!”

  • Anna Borosh:Happy New year to you and your all family. I was touched to see how you handled your illnesses and I had the same thing happening to me. I was disgusted that in the city of doctors there was not a single person to find and correct the problem which made me bitter and speechless. I am still not out of the woods but at least I wanted to share a wonderful doctor who works on Saturday and Sunday at the back of the Kalinka building. He was my guiding Angel. Beside Russian pharmacy he is situated in the office next to Matvey and Veronica – the Pharmasave in Calgary -his name is Dr. Michael KING (403)453-0560

  • Валечка! Прочитала “бабульку” , твои мысли в слух , твои вдохновения и увлечения и как всегда “снимаю шляпу” перед твоим позитивным настроем и жизнеутверждающей позицией.Поздравляя девочек с наступающим новым годом такой же настрой я увидела и у них, несмотря на кучу разных проблем.Видимо это характерная черта людей нашего поколения – не сдаваться не при каких обстоятельствах.Я уже не говорю о разносторонних интересах: от политики, литературы, музыки до простых бытовых вещах, где то же надо проявлять способности и смекалку.Да будем печь пироги, слушать хорошую музыку, читать умные книги, бороться с невзгодами, т.е. жить полноценной жизнью. Эмма Махова

  • Thanks, Anna. Happy New 2021 year! I hope it will bring to us more joy and happiness in our lives. With love from Valentina and team

  • Эмма, Валя, Римма, Зоя, Лара, Нелля, Люся, Клава, мои дорогие и любимые одноклассницы, с Новым 2021 годом вас и ваших близких людей! Ещё раз желаю счастья и благополучия и крепкого духа по жизни.80 лет – это не предел! Будем продолжать наслаждаться каждой минутой этой нереально прекрасной жизни.
    С уважением и любовью из далёкой снежной Канады
    Валя Филина и компания

  • Замечательная статья в ‘Бабульке’.

    Вы счастливая женщина, Валентина. У вас есть все для достойной жизни, вас окружают проверенные временем, добрые и участливые члены семьи и друзья. Врачебные ошибки были, есть и будут, от этого никто не застрахован.
    Берегите себя и свой самый большой капитал – семью и друзей.

    Мира вам и здоровья в Новом 2021 году!Ирина Киселёва

  • Спасибо, Ириночка, за тёплые слова и память обо мне. С Новым 2021-м годом тебя и твою семью. Да пусть будет благодатным этот год для твоей семьи и всех нас! С уважением и любовью Валентина

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