“Sergey Esenin is not so much a person, but an organ, composed by the nature exclusively for the poetry.” Maxim Gorky
In front of me a little book of verses by Sergey Esenin “Don’t Pity, Don’t Call, Don’t Cry”, given to me as a gift 25.11.2020 by my classmate from Bryansk Emma Korneeva (Mahova) with wishes to enjoy the great verses of Esenin.
And now every dayI am reading his poetry. And enjoying? Yes, of course.
Freshness of the Russian language, rich imagery. Although the words sometimes seem to me a bit old-fashioned from the point of view of 2021 year reader.
Page 32. “I left my native house…”
Poet Andrey Bely once wrote about him: ” For me it is very dear that image of Esenin as it was depicted long ago. Before the revolution, in 1916, I was surprised by his unusual kindness, unusual softness, unusual sensitivity and extraordinary delicacy of manners… Such a person he was when I met him in 1918-1919 years.Then I saw him in 1921 as a sick person, that was our last talk…”
Analyzing all his life and creative activities we need to agree that Esenin was a talented, completely fallen in love with his profession, and this was his integrity.
It’s not easy to be a poet. It means to be always, every second, every minute and hour to be on the time pulse, the country, world. And he was that pulse. Let’s read “Ionia” and other verses. “From a peasant poet”, as once Alexander Block said about him,”up to the modern poet of 1925″.
1925 year was time when were ruined the foundations of the tsarist autocracy, and was establishing a new order of godlessness, dictatorship of the proletariat. Extremely difficult time it was, ruined the destinies of many people.
Esenin’s life (1895-1925) was ruined for good.
Having run away from Moscow psychiatric hospital on the 23-d of December, 1925 he boarded on evening Moscow-Leningrad train. Stayed in the hotel “Angleterre”. On the 27-th of December composed the verse :’Good-by, my Fiend, Good-by” and at night committed suicide at the room #5 of the hotel.
Hold the pulse on time – that was everyday task of a poet. Let us look at the USA now.
The 20-th of 2021 is a day of the inauguration of 46-th President of the USA Jo Biden
The young 22-year old poetess Amanda Gorman is reading her poem, dedicated to that moment and to that very important time.
“The Hill We Climb
When day comes we ask ourselves,Where can we find light in this never ending shade?
The loss we carry,
a sea we must wade.
We’ve braved the belly of the beast,
We’ve learned that quiet isn’t always peace.
And the norms and notions of what just is
isn’t always just – ice…”
Amanda recited her poem during 5 minutes 43 seconds. Such is the measuring time in our contempary digital internet time.
And more over, her publicity made it possible to get a job as a model, and one of her books became a best seller.In this way way the system of poetic talents is working in America.
But in old days when Esenin together with Isidora Duncan traveled in the USA, he disliked America. It’s very pity, as the USA is a very beautiful and diverse country.
Well done, Valentina. Esenin was right about America.
ab (Anna Borash)
Мамик, привет! Прочитала твой опус о Есенине. Интересные мысли, впервые вижу такие сравнения.
Лариса Костина
Спасибо, дочь.
Валентина Николаевна Филина-Паттисон
Thanks, Anna!
With love from
Valentina Filina-Pattison
Валечка,на почте твой очерк почитать не смогла, не открылся. Прочитала на Бабульке. Как всегда удивлена оригинальностью твоего мышления: сравнить несравнимое, здорово! Спасибо.
Эмма Корнеева (Махова)
Дорогая Эмма! Спасибо прежде всего за книгу, которую мне прислали в Калгари, Канада. Это здорово! вот этот уже факт. И спасибо также за твой интерес к моим комментариям о Есенине как личности, котого здесь очень плохо знают. Из сравнения, как ты сказала “несравнимого”, познаёшь больше, а особенно, когда сравниваешь : век прошлый, как предполагалось “новаторский”, и век нынешний – 2021 год. Казалось бы вещи несравнимые, а мы обязаны сравнить, чтобы понять, что происходит вокруг нас. Вот и Аманда Горман предстала в фокусе внимания моего и твоего. И ничего в этом плохого я не вижу. Американская поэзия – другая, образность другая, мышление – другое. Они не следут правилам стихосложения, как например,хорей, анапест и прочее.
Но этим мир и интересен, потому что он разнообразен. Как бы скучно было жить, если бы мы все были одинаковыми!
С уважением и любовью
Валя Филина-одноклассница