Twelfth of February is the Birthday of my daughter Larisa Vikentyevna Kostina and Twenty Fourth of April is the Birthday of my grandson Gleb Yuryevich Kostin.
This magic of their most important dates is unique. It happens once of their lives. And it is now, in year 2021. “Twelve Twice is 24. Magic of Digits!”
What is the meaning according to the digital mythology?
It means the happiness is doubled, the prosperity is doubled, the love and care of close friends and relatives is doubled. What can it be better?
This is their photo of the latest days on April 24, 2021:

With good feeling of satisfaction of the dedication of the book to my two dear and close people LARISA AND GLEB, I am starting the publication of my new book about the life of my mother Maria Yakovlevna Filina, born as Bakunova.
There lived grandpa Bakun with his wife Bakuniha in the village of Pochep of Orel county. Frankly speaking, he was not a real “grandpa” but everybody in the village called him this way, and he was accustomed to this name. Everybody called him so because of his age. They say he was about to reach 100 years if not one unpleasant accident: once he walked home drunk as a skunk, fell into the puddle and drowned.
Bakuniha passed away very long ago before his death.
They had three daughters and one son. One of them Maria, my mother. did not show much interest in studying at school. As she herself told us, she was bad at spelling and the village teacher punished her many times by putting her knelt on the sack of grain. “Oh, it hurt a lot”, used to say she. “Believe me!” Soon she quit the school.
Bakun said to her then” Basta!Education is not for the girls. Go to help me with wieving the ropes.”
So, Maria began her working career, later she left Dad’s house and was seeking a job in any city. She ended up with Bryansk.
What a wonderful impression made on her the city life! Many lights, markets are full of products, many people around.
She met a young man Boris Sitnikov by name, fell in love with him, they started to live together. She worked as a cashier at the Bryansk railway station. He was a full-time student. Emma was her first child from Sitnikov, very nice little girl, attached to her father and mother. Sitnikov graduated from the Institute and left Maria saying that she was not educated enough for him. That was the first slap in Maria’s face.
In 1939 she married my father Filin Nikolay Alexeyevich, who was 7 years younger than her.
In 1940 she delivered the second daughter Valentina. Maria continued to work, so the baby-sitter was hired, and baby Valya grew up healthy and spoiled as all babies in the world of her age are.
(to be continued)
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Rachmaninov in performing by Lang Lang

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