On the 31st of July we’ve arrived at Honolulu, stayed at hotel “Equinox” for a week, that is in 10 minutes walk from the Waikiki beach being famous for the best white sandy beaches all over the world.
Janko was very curious about pictures hanging on the walls everywhere in the hotel where were depicted horses at different positions and scenery. Very soon he got it, that was the name for a horse “equinox” which carries our hotel.
The continental breakfasts were included, that was convenient on the mornings when does not want to be bothered with cooking. Although the variety of cafe menu was not so wide, we got used to scrambled eggs, toasted brownies with jam and butter, and a cup of coffee or tea, or glass of juice for your choice.
On our way to the cafe once we met a pretty dog on the street: she was smiling all the time, so the passing by people smiled her back. Every day we went to the beach the shortest way cutting through the Hilton Hawaiian village. This place is a tourist area which was developed about half a century ago when Hawaii became an American state. For better of for worse?
For better, as tourists we have an opportunity to enjoy the mild pacific climate in Honolulu, island Kaui.
We were happy that week: the temperature of the air kept high thirties, the water was 26-28 degrees warm. So caressing and enchanting that if someone entered the water that did not want to go out. Bathing in the water for hours and hours. The entering the water is smooth and gradual, one can see the sea bottom from the start. Water is clean and transparent, Color of the water is unusual: between blue and torqoise, different from the color of Mediterranean or Black seas. It is not polluted as the shores of the Hawaiian islands are surrounded by the Pacific.
It is difficult to imagine that you’re somewhere faraway from the mainland. Look at the map and your heart will start beating harder…of scare. Of consciousness how far you’re at the moment.
Watch our photo presentation: “The City of Honolulu, July 31-August 7, 2012”
For worse. Maybe because Polynesian people live still in poverty. Next to the tourist zone there are their small houses and apartments. Not many jobs, except tourist business services, are here. Many beggars and homeless who sleep just on the benches and grass. Nobody disturbs them. Not much crime. As in a small village: everybody knows everyone – impossible to commit a crime
No free health care system is in Hawaii. I am positive that there exist social programs helping the poor people to survive. By our impressions the Hawaiian local people are good-hearted, open, sociable, interesting conversationalists, among them a great wisdom to attain.
Watch our video:“Hawaiian Wisdom”
Дорогая тётя Валя!Нам очень было приятно прочитать про то как Вы со своей семьёй отдыхали . Много полезного и интерестного узнали из Ваших рассказов ,яркие и увлекательные фото , даже хочется написать стих: Я поеду на Гавайи,
На Гавайях- красота!
Там лазурью блещет небо,
Солнце, воздух и вода.
Где в безбрежном океане
Протянулись там и сям
Островки цепочкой, рядом,
Там, где Тихий океан. Спасибо за то , что есть такие люди как Вы которые вкладуют душу и интерес в свои расказы .С уважением Елена ,Альбина и Даниил!!!!
Дорогой Данил, Лена и Альбиночка! Очень рада получить от вас весточку, да ещё какую! со стихами! Огромное-преогромное спасибо. Оцениваю ваш комментарий очень высоко. Продолжайте читать, для таких,как вы, читателей я и стараюсь. Так держать нам всем! Скоро увидимся на Скайпе.
С любовью
ваша Валенитина