the Western WallRather than sit at home and watch TV for hours, we’d better fly to Jerusalem as Lyuda did and met her family, grandchildren Shani, Benjamin, Roni. She was happy to see them healthy, full of energy, beautiful and nice. What is the best gift for real Gramma like this?!

Now Lyuda is back to Calgary and we connected to her asking about her impressions about Jerusalem.

Jerusalem is a religious center sacred to all three monotheistic religions: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.

Religious pilgrims from all nations continue to congregate in the Holy City and millions of people flow through the gates of Jerusalem each year.

On the 4th of May (The day of National Independence of Israel) Lyuda went to the Western Wall to put our small prayers written on the little pieces of paper between the bricks. She did it and after stayed there to pray for all of us (living and dead) fervently.We thank her for this.

Today, Jerusalem is more a city of religion, art, culture, and museums than an economically viable regional marketplace or a center of business activity. Yet Jerusalem thrives in our time as a city of mystical attractiveness and endless fascination.

Do you know what? After Lyuda’s visit of the Western Wall, next day, on Monday, May the 5th, we met a wonderful man by name Serghei: he helped us all our dreams concerning renovation of our house come true. One van dream and dream for ever. But when the person helps to accomplish those dreams-this another story. Serghei’s bright mind and talented hands helped us. That was a miracle. I feel this way, so do my relatives. We thank him for everything that he has done for us.

Listen to: Gevatron-Kalinka-Russian Medley

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