1. “A Firebird Cornucopia of Russian Delights” (Russian Cookbook of three generations) by Valentina Filina-Pattison, design by Lina Kamenetsky, 150 pages, 17 illustrations.
Price: 20 dollars US or CAD + shipping cost.
Way of payment: by e-interac using Val’s e-mail address: valpat21@hotmail.ca
or by money order, calling by phones: 403-230-4671; 403-478-8437
inquiring the exact home address.
2. Poetry Book “Sinning Genie” by Valentina Filina-Pattison
Price: 20 dollars US or CAD + shipping cost
Way of payment is the same that was mentioned above.
3. Matryoshka, 7 pieces nestled wooden doll, decorated by Valentina Filina-Pattison
Price: 20 dollars Us or CAD + shipping cost
Way of payment: the same
4. Tee-shirt (white cotton with the theme “krutajababulka” or “krutoydedulek”) all sizes
Price: 20 dollars US or CAD + shipping cost
Way of payment: the same as it was mentioned above