zeldin vladimir mikhailovichNews One.
Russian actor of theatre and cinema Zeldin Vladimir Mikhailovich is celebrating his 100-th Birthday on February 12, 2015.
Many times decorated with the national awards and Russian Academy of Cinematography Arts, he is performing at the Army Theatre in Moscow in the show “100 Years of Dancing with the Time” on that special day of his.
News Two.
Yuba City, Calif., USA. The oldest living crew member of the battleship USS Arizona to have survived the Japanese attack on Pear; Harbor Navy Lt. Cmdr. Joseph Langdell has been died in Northern California at the age of 100.
“I felt absolutely helpless as I watched the attack”, Langdell told the Associated Press on the 56-th anniversary of the attack that drew the US into the WWII. “If I had been aboard, I would have been killed in that #2 (gun) turret. That was the one that blew up. It was my luck to be assigned off the ship that day.”
News Three.
Michael Green, co-founder of One Yellow Rabbit theatre in Calgary, Canada, was killed on Tuesday in a crash north of Regina.
“Michael was a proud ambassador for Calgary in creating the cultural milieu that is Calgary today. He was an exuberant spirit who embraced the exceptional and the unusual and wanted to share it with as many people as possible. He inspired many with his originality; and he created much with his vision. We are grateful to him. His loss is felt deeply by all of us whose lives he touched.” -One Yellow Rabbit
The address of the theatre is: 21, 225-8 Ave SE, Calgary, Alberta, Canada ph.: 403-264-3224
Take our condolences, dear theatre performers.
News Four.
Continuous Venice flood gates are going to the near completion, as stated by Venice leading engineer Paul Bruenna, who mentioned that the Nature project cost around 7 billion dollars.
News Five.
Germany is suffering from “rural exodus”. This event is observed globally in all parts of the world.
The Information is taken from “Latest World News” online Feb.10, 2015.
Listen to: Phil Driscoll, I will Exal Thee>

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