First. The celebrations of the Victory Day on May 8-9, 1945 are over. Everywhere in the world there were marches, parades, meetings, auto-rallies. We met one of the participants of the auto-rally in honour of the Victory over the fascist Germany, Valentin Nomikossov who shared with us his positive emotions about this event and presented to us a photo. Here it is:
Second. Yesterday, May 14, 2016 there was a direct air of Eurovision Song Contest with finals. The winner became Jamala “1944”, a singer from Ukraine.
This is her performance:
Third. Disaster fell on the northern city of Alberta, Fort MacMurry: the powerful forest fire having burnt many houses and buildings inside and outside the city. Plenty people were left without houses and job. All the world is helping to the victims of great fire. Now the situation is under control.
Fourth. The world oldest living person, 116-year-old Susannah Mushatt Jones, died on Thursday in New York City, Brooklyn.
Fifth. The other oldest person in the world, Misao Okawa, died at 117.
Japan, known for longevity of its people, is home to the world’s oldest man-Sakari Momoi, who celebrated his 112th birthday in February.
In 2013, life expectancy for women in Japan, was 86.61, the longest in the world followed by Hong Kong women, according to the health ministry.
For men it was 80.21, the fourth longest after men in Hong Kong, Iceland, and Switzerland.
Source: Huffpost Living Canada, May 15, 2016.