One. Total Surveillance. As well as the other elements of anti-utopia of George Orwell “1984” do not surprise us today. In 2009 the number of surveillance cameras consisted of one for 14 British people. Bots and cookies of internet sites allow to collect the information about your habits and interests. News shows is one more proof of existence of the”doctors of truth”. persuading us in that is what “the war is peace”, freedom-slavery, and ignorance-this is the force”.
Two. Kids from the test-tubes and gens’ engineering. In the novel “Wondrous New World” by Oldos Haksley in 1932 there was predicted everything what we live today with. Haksley could guess the aspects of the gens’ engineering – kids from the test-tubes, cloning. In “Wondrous World” there is also mentioning of drugs for good feeling similar to modern anti-depressants.
Three. Asteroid Apocalypses. Before nobody cared about the threat of asteroids. In films-catastrophes such as “Armageddon” and “Deep Impact”, we see threatening pictures. Nowadays NASA is studying seriously more dangerous asteroids situated close to the Earth.
Four. Cosmic Travels. In our days this type of travelling is gaining momentum. For the first time we found out about it from the film “Cosmic Odyssey” by Stanley Kubrick in 1968. Passengers with enough finance can fly nowadays to the International Cosmic Station. Private companies take applications for orbital and sub-orbital flights.
Five. Vallyan photographer Michael Bosanko is an excellent master of photography with use of digital brush or so-called light photography. In our days this method of photography is widely used among the professionals. However, the regular people know not much about it. The gist of the technique consists of that while moving narrow-directional beam of light, the author lights up the necessary for him details, literally speaking “drawing” with the light. The unusual light composition results in – a flower, a tree, ball, anything by desire.
As Michael himself says that his favourite places for light digital camera shots are the beach st Llantwit=Major Monastery, the National Park Breckon-Byckons and valley Ellan (all are in Wales).
See the picture by Michael Bosanko here.
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