ValentinaTolkunovaOne. Moscow, Russia. From 11.00 a.m. to 12.00 a.m. there was held Tolkunova'sfuneralthe civil farewell ceremony of famous singer, People’s Artist of the Russian federation Valentina Tolkunova, died at the Botkin hospital in Moscow on Monday morning of March 22. She was 63, the singer’s family told Itar-Tass. Her portrait is to the left, and a photo of her funeral to the right.

Two. Paralympic  team of the Russian Federation flew back home. To the right one can see the photo of 4 times IrekZaripovParalympic Champion Irek Zaripov. (Itar-Tass).

Three. Vladinir Vasiliyev is awarded with the Prize “Liberty-2010”.

Four. The Russian ballet “Paris Flame” will be translating directly from the Bolshoy Theater to 150 European Movie Theaters on March 31.

Five. The Laureate of Abel Prize in Mathematics became John Torrence Tate (USA).

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