Jubilations4Welcome to Neverland Ranch, where growing up is optional!Jubilations Dinner Theatre

When Marty (Brent Buchanan) and his best friend Doc (Lew Wetherell) used a time-machine to travel to the future, things appeared to be quite different than they are now in 1985. To fix it again is possible through the gloved hand of the King of Pop himself… Michael Jackson portrayed by Crystal Chaitan for whom Michael was her idol, the one and the only one…

Yesterday we spent the whole evening in surroundings of a bunch of talented performers and dinner servers, so original in their approaches. There is one photo of me with such a person in an umbrella hat.Jubilations 4.06.16

The Jubilation concept is unique in today’s theatre. It combines a three-act musical comedy with a twist and four-course-dinner. The cast of characters were amusing us with table-side banter. Which was good to feel.

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