Tart and JankoThe explanation of this expression lies in the following: one cannot eat the cake twice, i. e. one tries to combine that it is incompatible.

To refute it, on December 27, 1947 janko was born. Right on this occasion the beautiful cake has arrived and Janko eats it and has it.

His Birthday cake was composed in a shape of my hat, with the ribbon-railway trains theme, and lots of roses and a tiny bucket of jasmine. As a true railway man Janko appreciated the tart very high.

“But how did your hat shape penetrate into the tart composition?” asked he in surprise.

“I do not have a clue.” I answered.”Ask the author of the tart : Jana Bochkareva.”

To the left is the photo of Janko with his B-day cake, to the left – a little Christmas tree is lit up in his honour.

Listen:Birthday Cake Song

Watch our photo presentation “Janko’s Birthday Celebration”:

Janko with his B-day cake on December, 27, 2011

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On the top of that, he received a poem, dedicated to him from my classmates.

“O! Janko! Luminary of our eyes!                                                                                                                                                               Janko's 64th B-day (christmas tree)

We would like to congratulate

You personally on Your Birthday!

Face to face it is impossible, to our regret,

As we live in different countries.

Although the distances nowadays

Mean nothing because of the

Wonder of the Century-INTERNET!

O! Janko! Luminary of Valya’s eyes!

Warmly congratulate you!

O! Luminary! Illuminate for her

as long as possible                                                                                                                                                                                                        Glebonthefloor

At your mutual life span.

Let it be your life as full

as the cup to the brim.

We wish you to meet us one day.

O! Janko!

If you’re a friend to Valya,

That means You’re a friend to us.

So we are with you!



Bryansk, December 27, 2011.”

Listen to: The Beautiful Birthday Song

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