Listen to the beautiful sound of Beethoven’s :CPO “Ode to Joy”

Jack Singer Hall presentation of Bow Valley graduates
Jack Singer Hall presentation of Bow Valley graduates

This time we are at the Jack Singer Hall where the Calgary Philharmonic Orchestra usually performs and music was dedicated on January 28, 2013 to all who graduated from the Calgary

Bow Valley College graduation ceremony at Jack Singer Hall
Bow Valley College graduation ceremony at Jack Singer Hall

and Region’s only comprehensive community college, Bow Valley College. Fast,focused, and flexible, creating work-ready graduates were getting their certificates and diplomas.

We are among the supportive crowd waiting for the presentation of School of Health, Justice and Human Services. Our friend Goldshmidt Ludmila (photo to the left) was granted the Health Care Aide Certificate, and School of Business, Janko’s daughter Holly Stephanie Joy was granted the Administrative Professional Certificate (photo to the right).

As put it in Valedictorian Address the graduate of School of Business Addrienne Lefaivre: “with a willingness to learn, strong work ethic, and the right attitude, the opportunities are endless!”

Really, in front of young and not so young people, present graduates, are open the wide life roads of success and achievements in career.

Congratulations to each of graduates and our wishes of good luck, friends.

Each Bow Valley College graduate is here today because of the generosity of family, friends, teachers, and donors. Each one persevered, often juggling work and family obligations on top of their rigorous studies. Each one should stand proud, confident in their achievement and their future.

“Oh, friends, not these tones!

Let us raise our voices in more

Pleasing and more joyful sounds!”

We are joining our small voices to the Orchestra in pride for two wonderful graduates: Stephanie Holly and Ludmila Goldshmidt. Keep up the good work in this way, dear friends!

2 Thoughts on ““Oh, Friends, not These Tones! Let Us Raise Our Voices in More Pleasing and More Joyful Sounds” Ludwig Van Beethoven “Ode to Joy” (lyrics) to Alumni of Bow Valley College Class of Winter 2013.”

  • Замечательно! Большое спасибо, Валечка!Столько труда. Целую.

  • Рада, что понравился мой пост.
    С уважением

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