August 07, 20005. Back on the Road Grand Valley. What a view with the wheat fields downhill! Souris. Alexander. Virden. Regina (350 km). We stopped in Regina, and I bought 3 diamond rings (souvenirs from our Trans Canada Trip). We’re on the Ring Road around, laying out way to Moose Jaw, Swift Current, Medicine Hat. Speed 110 km/hour. Cloud formations look like a dolphin family: Mama, Dad and a son streaming for a stroll chased by small and big sharks. Marina scene came to my mind connecting to the sky scenic picture.

Just about 6 p.m. our van started to make funny noises. Janko stopped thinking that something is wrong with the transmission. I flagged down and one couple stopped. Janko called the CAA  to have help for checking the van. They arrived very quickly, took the van to the Maple Creek ALF’s garage. This time while Janko was busy to organise these things, I looked around and saw a wonderful wheat field full of blue corn flowers.I started to pick up corn flowers, very soon a bouquet of freshly cut flowers was ready. Janko saw me picking up them got calmed and continued the way with me in the car of our new friends Terry and Travis who invited us to their home in Pia Pot. We were served with dinner: barbecued hamburgers, scalloped potatoes, and salad. And coffee by all means.

We stayed overnight in the Cypress Hills Motel, the car was fixed: the filter was clogged. And we hit the road heading for Calgary.

Listen to the music above “Corn Flowers” and below “This is the coolest video for a strong recharge energy”:

( to be continued)  

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