“So, the life kept on. After quitting the factory “Desna” on the family grounds (my husband’s transfer to the new job in c. Tula), following later the divorce and coming back to Bryansk, I was taking a job in one of the biggest building organizations of c. Bryansk- Association “Bryanskagropromstroy”, where I had worked more than 30 years first as an engineer in treatment and forest-supplies, and then as a position to be elected-as a Secretary of Council of “Bryanskagropromstroy”. I liked this work very much. First, because by the nature of my activities I was connected with the first rank people of the Association and subordinate organizations; secondly, the work was diverse, interesting, and the result of it depended just on me, not somebody else. That made me always be in shape, does not allow me to be relaxed at work. There were plenty of difficulties, sure. either in life, or at work.
I got through the hardships materialistically and morally. But in general, I am satisfied with life and work. My daughter, sons-in-law and grandchildren are my pride and stronghold. In spite of the fact, that the long distances lie between us, we often visit each other, communicate with each other, including the contemporary means of communication.
Grandchildren: Alexander – finished the college, shipbuilding department, went by steps of his father, sailing as a navigator, continues his education by correspondence in the Institute and dreaming as his father to be a captain. Older grandson Vladimir is graduating from the Philosophical Department of the University in Novi Sad, Serbia, by his residence, is seriously involved in scientific researches.
I am surrounded by the relatives (brother with his family, nieces,cousins), friends: school mates, friends by work, whom I am holding the warmest friendly relationships with.
Till now I did not lose connections with my former work place, being the Vice President of the Veterans’ Council where we are very active in helping the vets of our organization, celebrate the Jubilee dates of our vets with handing them the Honourable gifts and bouquets of flowers, organizing the excursions. At the present time we are preparing for publishing a book about the labour way of “Bryanskagropromstroy”, dedicated to the 70-th Anniversary of our building organization. We collected the huge material for the museum of labour fame of the Association “Bryanskagropromstroy”. Life is keeping on! Long live the life in its joys and sorrows, ups and downs, with constant joy of its next new day”.
For Emma there is the poem “Beauty” by A.S.Pushkin (translated by me) and some pictures in the post.
The harmony is all what is in her,
Divine beauty is in the perfection,
Admire her-that’s to one mind’s occur,
Looking at her sitting in rest or in collection,
Of people around, the solemn beauty,
Not to be compared to any rivals:
Their beauty fades away, Oh! cutie!
You’re reigning above all the marvels.
Wherever I am hurrying up,
To meet a lover’s date or so,
Running into her would stop,
Non-volunteerly, in adoring awe,
Embarassed by her sacred beauty.”
This is music for you, Emma: Bowfire Violin Show
С большим интересом и благодарностью прочитала свои воспоминания в твоем оформлении : музыкальном, фото , художественном! Так интересно,оказывается, взглянуть на себя со стороны,особенно когда это сделано с таким вкусом, трепетно и тонко! Спасибо тебе,Валечка! Спасибо тебе за всех, кого ты упоминула в эти святые дни, послав записочки к стене плача, в святой Иерусалим! Я думаю, что за все твои благие дела Господь посылает тебе радость жить, радость творчества, в чем бы оно не проявлялось, добрых друзей и любящих родных и близких! Я тебя люблю, ценю и обожаю1 Послать свои комментарии в бабульке не получилось, поэтому воспользовалась почтой.Привет Янко.Ваша Эмма С праздником Святой Пасхи!
Emma, Thanks a lot for appreciation.Happy Easter to you and your family and friends!
Yours sincerely,
Valya and Janko