Stampede2010One. The sheep let their hair grow long, but that is generally the extent of their cooperation at the North American Sheap Shearing Challenge at Calgary Stampede on July 09-19, 2010. Successful shearers must therefore perfect the viselike leg clamp that keeps the animal in one place. At Agrium Ag-tivity in the City.

Two. Blacksmith Competition world championships sparks will fly as some of the greatest metal-shapers in the world battle it out  for top honors. Watching these artistic tradesmen hammer, heat  and hotshoe will certainly be a unique way to begin the casual Stampede day.

Three. Stampede Midway circus: After defying death on the Mega Drop, head over to the outdoor arena to catch acrobatic slam-dunking (Acrodunk), athletic high diving (Top Cops High Dive Show) and stunt-filled motorcycling (Freestyle Motorcross). This is old-school midway fun.

Four. Miniature Horse Show . Escape the heat and cheer on these tiny hoofed contenders as they jump, drive and drag their way to victory. In the Big Top.

Five. Stamped Fireworks at 11.00 p.m. every night during Calgary Stampede. Trach down one of the designated fireworks viewing stations and enjoy the unique show.

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