On the first Monday of each August Canada celebrates Heritage Day. It is a big day. People come usually to the Heritage Park, look around to see how the pioneers arrived and they lived 130 years ago. My father’s village Male Levare in Slovakia exists more than 5 centuries. Now I know why North America is called New World, and the Europe – the Old one. My village had been as long as the Church stood from the 16th century. It is a pity that there were fires in the church and many archives were burnt. Meeting my Slovak family was a big event for me. Thinking of our heritage where and to whom we belong to, we need to see the reality, but not fantasies which we are trying to substitute for the true life. Here in
Slovakia I met three now living cousins: a brother and a sister from my father’s brother Jan, and a brother from my father’s sister Tekla. They will be shown on our photo gallery.
Frankly speaking, I had a slight idea about the whole family, consisting of 3 brothers and 3 sisters, including my father. A fairly big family! My grandmother Josefina and grandfather Josef could handle it. Now after a short visit home where I belong to I realized clearly I am from a hard working and wonderful family which was proved by the present generation of all my relatives whom I am very grateful for their time they spent with us, gave us nice accommodations, surrounded us with their care and tenderness. Thanks a lot and we hope to meet you again soon.
Watch our photo presentation ” My Slovak Family”.
Здравствуйте, дорогие друзья Валентина и Янко!
Большое Вам спасибо за внимание и заботу.
Рада за Вас, что Вы совершили такое путешествие, познакомились даже с родственниками Янко – это здорово, что вы вдвоём!
Цените это!
Милая Раиса,
Спасибо за твои добрые слова о нас с Янко. Вот уже 10 лет мы вместе, отметили эту дату 26 сентября этого года. Да и ты сама, Раюха-горюха, помнишь, как мы все встретились за столом зв чаем после службы в Русской Православной церкви. Здесь в Калгари, ровно десять лет назад. Сколько времени прошло с тех пор, сколько воды утекло. Сколько разных событий произошло в наших судьбах! Дай бог тебе и твоей семье здоровья и счастья на долгие-долгие годы.
Целуем и обнимаем,
Валентина и Янко