Three beauties with bubiesLet’s smile a little with Zoya and her jokes around:

1.What is the strong health?

2. When all body is aching, but there are still forces to go to the doctor’s.

1. “Nowadays all people are fighting for their national language.” said one Jew to the other Jew.”But what is our fight for?”

2.”For our state accent.”

One man is asking to the other man: “How about your daughter? Is she getting married?”

The latter answered: “She is tried, praised, but not taken”.

The two men are fishing.One asks: “How are doing? Did you catch anything?”three fishermen

The second one answers: “No, I did catch nothing”.

The first one lamented: “I’am even worse.”

“How come?”, the second one was in surprise: “What can be worse?”

The first one explained: “I even lost my fishing rod.”

Misha complains to the Hotel Manager:

“Mr. Manager, I have bed bugs in my bed.”

“So?!”, the Hotel Manager replied: “For your money you pay per night you would like to have ballerina Volochkova in bed, don’t you?”

Wife said to husband leaving for a business trip:

“Don’t waste your money for that what you can have free at home”.

Listen to:Live at Eurovision 2015-Polina Gagarina “A Million Voices’Russia-Semi-Final

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