“Listen, Gleb,” addressed Artem to his 2,4 y.o. son. “Look around! And listen to the Nature.”
The little explorer was for the fist time in the forest: all trees seemed to him to be giants, reflections of the light were changing every second. “Look, Dad,” “What’s this?” asked he, pointing at the sun ray on the branch.
“It’s a little beam playing in the sun. You can play with him, too. Catch him, he’s fast.” answered Artem.
“Fast?! I’m faster.” challenged Gleb the beam and started to chase him trying to cover with his tiny palm. The closer he ran to the little sun beam, the quicker that one jumped away from him.
It was a fascinating morning scene to watch, believe me!
Glebochka was so excited to catch a sun ray, but his buddy-game-mate, only smiled at him as if teasing. Races lasted not so long. Little Glebochka turned to Artem for help:
“Dad, what’s up? Why cannot I catch a ray?” his eyes were full of sincere surprise.
“Why?”, “Why?”, “Why?”, repeated his questions son in search of immediate answer from Dad.
“There will be so many “Why”s on your life way, son. Grow up and discover the answers yourself,” responded Father.
Both of them stopped in amazement, watching with four eyes and listening four ears, big and small, what was going on in these bushes. Daddy prepared his i-phone camera to fix the wondrous moment.
The four eyes and four ears saw a little ground mouse, showing up her tiny nose and enjoying the bright light. Maybe, also in her turn doing her first discovery step in the nature. Where is she from? From the earth? Where is her home? And what about her Mom? Why doesn’t she watch her daughter closer? So many “Why?s appeared to be answered again. Tiny baby-mouse put her ears straight “in alert” position as though she felt she’s observed: ready to escape.
The humans retreated first, without desire to disturb her domain.
Next time they saw the bear with two cubs from the distance.
Watch: “Disneynature, Bears”, 2014