On the 24-th of April of 1997 you were born, Gleb! Then I was travelling in and around New Yourk. Here is my old picture, look at it:

Upon having seen this photograph you have written on the back side: ” First you-now I have been to New York”.

That is, I consider, what is called the continuity between the generations. Only as one can see, the Twin Towers were still there. You did not see them now. So, life changes.

Because you’ve experienced so much in your worldly travels as a young boy, it has prepared you for the experiences that are part of your life now as a young adult.

Your eyes are open, you see the world in a totally different light. It helps you as it helped me at my time to understand the dynamics and personality of everyday life of this world-class centre metropolis of the unforgettable, indefatigable city of New York who never sleeps.

Creativity is part of New York as you’re a creative person constantly seeking for new ideas and approaches that will enable you to accomplish your dreams as if putting the tiny mozaik pieces together that makeup the parts of you.

As Joseph Brodsky, your fellow citizen, poet of the different generation connected by your and his birth city of Saint Рetersburg, Russia, said in his poem:

“From nowhere with love, on the -eenth of Marchember,

dear respectful my darling, doesn’t matter

even who, for the face, speaking frankly,

is impossible to remember, not yours, and

no-one’s best friend, sends his regards being on one

of the five continents, related to cow-boys;

I loved you more than angels and even Himself

and am further from you now than from them both;

late at night, in the sleeping valley, in its very pit,

twisting at night on the blank bed-sheet–

as not mentioned below at least,–with a throb

I whip up the pillow by moaning “you”

from beyond the seas, its shores connecting

in the dark, with my body your body through

all it’s features, as a crazy mirror, reflecting.”

From nowhere (from afar) with love to you, Gleb, we’re sending our best congratulations on your 20-th Birthday and our heart-felt wishes, knowing as you set out to accomplish your goals, which your life becomes full by the creativity that is always within you. You will succeed. Never give up!

Yours, Grandma, Grandpa and your beloved Mom.



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