About the liberation of her native land Bryanshchina MARIA found out from the local radio news: the 17-th of September of 1943 is considered there a big festive day-the end of German-Fascist opression.
Listen to the beautiful song performed by a very famous Soviet actress Tatiana Okunevskaya:

“It’s high time for me to collect everything and go home!”, thought MARIA to herself. Three kids was her main treasure. Three days and three nights took her to drive by cargo train whrere there were no toilets, people slept on the straw laying on the floor.
At long last she arrived. “Oh, horror!” in front of Maria’s eyes were spreading ruins of what it was called “city”. Everywhere was dust and crushed stone. 97% of buildings were smashed…
Gorsovet gave her permission to occupy a one-bedroom apartment on the Kalinin Street as she was a single mother with three underage kids. It was a barracks-type, one-storeyed bulding with outdoor toilet, and one water tap for twenty residents. Later MARIA managed to build the water tap in her own room. How to survive?
Again came to rescue: a goat for milk, a vegetable garden for food, and free mutual communal help.
At that time the Government came to conclusion to issue the Order about the urgent help to restore 100 small towns. Bryansk was one of them. So, there were needed the labourers. MARIA was among them. A few years later she got a cashier job at the Bryansk Railway Station where she successfully worked during 17 years and was awarded with the Government Orders “For Valiant Work for Motherland” of the 1-st and 2-nd Grades.
Time passed. The War was completely finished either on the Western, or on the Eastern front.
Watch movie ” At 6 o’clock afte the War”

From the height of today, July 2021, it’s necessary to say honestly that to conquer such a disgusting agressor as German Fascism was possible only by the united forces of all peace loving people of all nations. That’s why D-Day and the Victory of Red Army are equally important. And we, next generations, need to respect and be thankful for this. We’ll never forget you! (to be continued)

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